Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Discussion

Why do people eat food that is unhealthy for them?
It is the cheapest and most widely available product. Why would someone go out of their way and spend more simply to eat healthier? Especially when the health risks aren't proven. All of our options are not even presented to us on a given basis.
Should the government have any control over what we eat?
The government should have control over the companies that make the food which is all ready true with the work of the Food and Drug Administration. As for regulating what we eat, that is borderline communism and will never happen in this country. However the companies must be held accountable to the ingredients in their products.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jeremy White

Jeremy White is a 33 year old who has had a very eclectic life. He grew up in Sacramento where he learned to love music at an early age. He soon began to master the art of drumming, and was offered a one year stint in Japan for the band Two Balled Lou. However his most successful venture was with The Revolution Smile where he toured with The Deftones and a Perfect Circle. Before this, he got his Music Major at Sacramento State. His parents separated at an early age which lead to his mom becoming a huge inspiration. Throughout his life he has been able to become a world traveler including visits to 40 of the 50 states. After losing faith through financial differences, he figured what better profession to take up than Financial Planning for music groups or even normal citizens. He loves being able to help people on a daily basis, and his motto for living is a quote by Richard Branson who says "you should live life with adventure and die with friends. That's why Jeremy is known for being curious,adaptable, and truly knows how to take risks.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our Ongoing Occupation

The U.S. involvement in foreign countries has been a trend in the countries history since the beginning of its existence. More recently the war in Iraq has made headlines all over the globe. Without the permission of the United Nations, the U.S. launched a "preemptive strike" on Baghdad. The caused outrage in the Middle East and around the world. Its been 7+ years since the occupation in Iraq began and still the U.S. is running the country. With President Obama we have seen major progress towards an exit from a region but I believe it needs to happen much faster. If want to have any progress in this region we can't be taking over countries. Simple as that. As soon as we begin to recognize the Muslim countries as people and not just a bother, you will see a massive change in the overall mood of the Middle East.