Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Humanism can be the reinvention of culture, as we know it. Once we rid the world of a single-minded point of view such as religious views, we can move forward to becoming better individuals. Some of our greatest leaders were humanists, however this lifestyle has recently come under attack.

16% of Americans now identify themselves as Atheists however this is only the number reported. In many southern states there is a growing trend of “closet atheists”. Questioning religion has broken into the mainstream with various campaigns and feature films devoted to the absurdity of religion. In July the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed suit over plans to inscribe the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God We Trust” motto prominently in the Washington, D.C. center, charging that to do so would be unconstitutional and not representative of all Americans. This has been an ongoing fight in the U.S. and with the growing number of atheists, the fight will not die out.

The only real solution is constant awareness of the problem. We have to get the word out that Americans have other options than church. There also has to be an effort to protect the rights we already have because they are constantly under attack from the religious right among other political movements. There also has to be an outspoken mentality to what we think of religion. Not only does that mean spreading awareness but not being afraid to be the lone person in the room who doesn’t believe that there’s a man in the sky.

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